Aug 12, 10:41 AM
Inspired by the new Tron Legacy Trailer and all the stuff out of comic-con. Can't wait for this movie!
Excellent desktop; cannot wait either!!! I was a young pup when the first debuted and I cannot tell you the last time I was excited to see a movie as much since then. Don't like how the music changed though; liked the original trailer with the hype techno!!
Excellent desktop; cannot wait either!!! I was a young pup when the first debuted and I cannot tell you the last time I was excited to see a movie as much since then. Don't like how the music changed though; liked the original trailer with the hype techno!!

Apr 22, 11:12 AM
Name one application that will run on a pro version and not the home, or vice versa.
You dont understand how OS version works? The newest version runs ALL software for the OS. Android 2.3 does exactly that. Of course an app written for 2.3 wont run on 1.6. Thats just common sense.

Hilary Duff 400x430

Hilary Duff Hair

Hilary Duff with Hair Up in

Hilary Duff Hair

hillary duff up do hairstyle

Hilary Duff Hairstyles Try on

hilary duff haircut.

Hilary Duff#39;s Hair Style:

hilary duff hair fringe.

hilary duff hairstyle. hilary

hilary duff hair

Hillary Duff#39;s hairstyles.

hilary duff hairstyle.

Hilary Duff Hairstyles

Hilary Duff Hairstyles

hilary duff long curls

hair with lowlights and
You dont understand how OS version works? The newest version runs ALL software for the OS. Android 2.3 does exactly that. Of course an app written for 2.3 wont run on 1.6. Thats just common sense.

Oct 12, 03:39 PM
http://uppix.net/1/7/c/fa5ca0076798f76c89b548c16b81ftt.jpg (http://uppix.net/1/7/c/fa5ca0076798f76c89b548c16b81f.html)
Wallpaper please?
Wallpaper please?

Dec 1, 06:39 PM
I think this is my favourite desktop ever (some of yours are okay though;))- tried showing it to people IRL but nobody's interested in neat desktops :( (not looking for any response btw- just have to get this out there- love the subject, the composition of the pic and the harmony) Yep, be a while before this pales: one of the best desktops of all time :D

Apr 16, 04:29 AM
Red is screwed, yellow is sucky, green is above replacement... You don't want birth rate to drop below 2.1, Turkey the only country above replacement is 2.14...
http://img826.imageshack.us/img826/9463/europepopulation.png (http://img826.imageshack.us/i/europepopulation.png/)
The only meaningful way to save the red countries from depopulation is to eliminate access to birth control and abortions. Places have tried to boost birth rates, it hasn't succeeded.
We don't have enough resources, especially in developed countries that consume most of the world's resources for what you're advocating. If anything we need significantly lower populations in Europe and North America.
http://img826.imageshack.us/img826/9463/europepopulation.png (http://img826.imageshack.us/i/europepopulation.png/)
The only meaningful way to save the red countries from depopulation is to eliminate access to birth control and abortions. Places have tried to boost birth rates, it hasn't succeeded.
We don't have enough resources, especially in developed countries that consume most of the world's resources for what you're advocating. If anything we need significantly lower populations in Europe and North America.

Oct 2, 06:12 AM
@RedTomato: Being able to switch them off at the database level is new though

Apr 13, 06:42 PM
Mine for April:
Not included is my second monitor, but nothing special. Lol.
Not included is my second monitor, but nothing special. Lol.

Apr 7, 08:39 AM
I was debating on doing the 4.3.1 update now that the jailbreak is available. Is this a bad call? It seems many are unhappy they updated their software. I am currently on 4.2.1. Any thoughts?

Dec 29, 09:04 PM
I have each set going down a column. Right now, I just carefully routed the wires around the back and being held by tape. I'm picking up some wire management stuff from Home Depot so it will look cleaner.
But unless someone looks at the back, you really cannot see the wires.
...and switched to all white. :)
What kind of lights? I am totally doing this.
But unless someone looks at the back, you really cannot see the wires.
...and switched to all white. :)
What kind of lights? I am totally doing this.

Sep 24, 07:18 PM
i think that Chundles has given the best advice in this thread, and i agree with what he has said completely

May 2, 09:29 PM
Thanks to all who donate! As a bone marrow transplant nurse, I can tell you first hand that this truly does save lives. Perhaps I'll go donate tomorrow. I'm usually turned away due to my hematocrit or my foreign travel.

Nov 1, 06:58 AM
Side by side with Nano and 5G, and the bundled accessories.
These things are seriously going to sell like crazy!!
These things are seriously going to sell like crazy!!

Oct 2, 06:12 AM
@RedTomato: Being able to switch them off at the database level is new though

Jan 9, 06:56 PM
Is Macworld just a one day event??? or will they be showing more stuff? I was hoping to hear something about the 8 core mac pro.

Sep 27, 08:39 AM
Has anyone had a close look at the main picture on Apple's preview page? The sender of the email in the top pane is 'Katie Lorenzo' but in the preview pane her name is 'Amy Lorenzo'. Also, the delivery time is out by almost an hour.
obviously, Katie's sister Amy took the honeymoon picture.
obviously, Katie's sister Amy took the honeymoon picture.

Apr 13, 09:01 PM
Hi all, I have bootcamped W7 with 70 gigs; but want to change it to have more space for games. I think I have to Delete the whole partition and then reinstall/bootcamp my W7 Disc, but will my key work with it?

Oct 31, 11:29 AM
I think the free 38 character engraving is one of the things that makes this product so special. Buying one without it seems to devalue it's significance to me. :rolleyes: :confused: :eek:
Examples of cool engravings would be:
Reward 4 Return 555.555.6789 Taylor B.
Frank Ford 555.555.6789 Please Return
Always in my thoughts. Love, Fred
Always in my thoughts. Love, Claudia
When you speak, it's music to my ears.
Always listen carefully. Love, Charles
Sounds good to me, Claudia! :D :D :D
Examples of cool engravings would be:
Reward 4 Return 555.555.6789 Taylor B.
Frank Ford 555.555.6789 Please Return
Always in my thoughts. Love, Fred
Always in my thoughts. Love, Claudia
When you speak, it's music to my ears.
Always listen carefully. Love, Charles
Sounds good to me, Claudia! :D :D :D

Nov 29, 01:33 PM
It's sad that we live in a society where actors, pop/rap stars, sports stars, etc. get paid mega bucks while professions like "school teacher" get paid peanuts.
I agree, it is sad. But it is simple economics i'm afraid.
There is only one Tom Cruise or Jay-Z, so the supply of the 'talents' they bring to any project is massively small against a seemingly large demand, hence a huge fee is commanded.
Mr X the Schoolteacher, however, has no such bargaining power as there's a relatively large supply of people who could do the job.
I agree, it is sad. But it is simple economics i'm afraid.
There is only one Tom Cruise or Jay-Z, so the supply of the 'talents' they bring to any project is massively small against a seemingly large demand, hence a huge fee is commanded.
Mr X the Schoolteacher, however, has no such bargaining power as there's a relatively large supply of people who could do the job.

Apr 7, 06:54 PM
My kids (ages 9 and 4) and I have been playing with some of the arcade games and the general consensus so far:
Nov 29, 11:41 PM
You don't speak for the rest of us, and the studios aren't interested in what you have to say because they're not making any money off you.
The entertainment industry "earns" it's money. Seeing a movie is one of the cheapest "nights out" you can find. If it wasn't entertaining, people wouldn't go. You get bad movies every now and then, but the good ones more than make up for it.
As far as putting limitations on digital content, that's their right. It is _their_ content. If they make the wrong decision, they'll come around when someone smarter makes the right one.
We're in the process right now of figuring out DRM. The problem is, copying any digital media doesn't remove detract from the original. There is no incentive to be fair. DRM puts incentive, mainly convenience, in being fair.
When it matures, it will be convenient to consumers and inconvenient to pirates.
The cries of the entertainment industry fall on pretty deaf ears in my house.
Yes, I understand that Universal, Disney, et al, are businesses and survive by making money, but let's not loose sight of one very important fact:
It's entertainment. It is not necessary to the functioning of our country, culture, or lives.
Food is. But look how little farmers get paid.
Medical care is. But look how so much of the money we (or insurance companies on our behalf) pay actually goes to a facilities' or a doctor's malpractice insurance, not to them.
Education is. But look how poorly-prioritized education is in this country.
Work experience is, as a function of how it impacts one's ability to function competently and thereby either retain a job or to acquire a better one. But it's treated just as poorly as education.
Entertainment is NOT. As a consequence, I don't plan for, nor do I budget for, any kind of entertainment concern.
IF, and ONLY IF, there's a movie out that I really want to see, will I go to the theater to see it. And on average I probably go to a theater once a year.
The very notion of licensing when it comes to anything other than a business deal or proposition is disgusting to me. I am not against the principle of intellectual property, but I abhor how the concept is realized in our society.
I own probably something like 10 movies' worth of DVDs, and maybe 5 TV series' worth of DVDs. I think the last DVD I bought was The Incredibles, and that was to show my support for something I found to be superbly entertaining, and have watched multiple times.
Most of the movies that I've acquired by "other means" I've pitched after watching them because, upwards of 80% of those instances of acquisition were instances of the acquisition of crap. So regardless of whatever legal status those materials may have been presumed to possess by others, I no longer have them because, for free or for a fee, I don't want 'em.
The number of times I feel like Bartleby The Scrivener (that is, the character Bartleby) on a regular basis is increasing, and that's due to the fact that I perceive society to be further and further askew from what I personally accept or agree with.
And speaking of HDCP and other DRM, DMCA, etc...
I refuse to accept any of that. I also refuse to accept that I'm either going to have to buy some sort of an adaptor, or buy a new TV, just for the "pleasure" of (what is for me) the infrequent habit of actually watching TV. Yes, I fully realize that means that, at some point, I'll turn on the TV and all I'll get is snow because there are no longer any broadcast standards that my living room TV is compatible with. And you know what I'll do when that day comes? I'll go ahead and cancel my minimum-basic-TV (approx. $13/month) service, leaving only cable modem service. I'm absolutely serious about this.
Perhaps if more people were like me, we could affect some kind of change in the broadcast industry and in Hollywierd, but any kind of "coming together for common good over common consensus" is incredibly arduous at best, and impossible at worst.
Besides, when it comes to myself and a significant other, I can absolutely find a whole lot of other things to do than simply sit down and watch the boob tube.
The entertainment industry "earns" it's money. Seeing a movie is one of the cheapest "nights out" you can find. If it wasn't entertaining, people wouldn't go. You get bad movies every now and then, but the good ones more than make up for it.
As far as putting limitations on digital content, that's their right. It is _their_ content. If they make the wrong decision, they'll come around when someone smarter makes the right one.
We're in the process right now of figuring out DRM. The problem is, copying any digital media doesn't remove detract from the original. There is no incentive to be fair. DRM puts incentive, mainly convenience, in being fair.
When it matures, it will be convenient to consumers and inconvenient to pirates.
The cries of the entertainment industry fall on pretty deaf ears in my house.
Yes, I understand that Universal, Disney, et al, are businesses and survive by making money, but let's not loose sight of one very important fact:
It's entertainment. It is not necessary to the functioning of our country, culture, or lives.
Food is. But look how little farmers get paid.
Medical care is. But look how so much of the money we (or insurance companies on our behalf) pay actually goes to a facilities' or a doctor's malpractice insurance, not to them.
Education is. But look how poorly-prioritized education is in this country.
Work experience is, as a function of how it impacts one's ability to function competently and thereby either retain a job or to acquire a better one. But it's treated just as poorly as education.
Entertainment is NOT. As a consequence, I don't plan for, nor do I budget for, any kind of entertainment concern.
IF, and ONLY IF, there's a movie out that I really want to see, will I go to the theater to see it. And on average I probably go to a theater once a year.
The very notion of licensing when it comes to anything other than a business deal or proposition is disgusting to me. I am not against the principle of intellectual property, but I abhor how the concept is realized in our society.
I own probably something like 10 movies' worth of DVDs, and maybe 5 TV series' worth of DVDs. I think the last DVD I bought was The Incredibles, and that was to show my support for something I found to be superbly entertaining, and have watched multiple times.
Most of the movies that I've acquired by "other means" I've pitched after watching them because, upwards of 80% of those instances of acquisition were instances of the acquisition of crap. So regardless of whatever legal status those materials may have been presumed to possess by others, I no longer have them because, for free or for a fee, I don't want 'em.
The number of times I feel like Bartleby The Scrivener (that is, the character Bartleby) on a regular basis is increasing, and that's due to the fact that I perceive society to be further and further askew from what I personally accept or agree with.
And speaking of HDCP and other DRM, DMCA, etc...
I refuse to accept any of that. I also refuse to accept that I'm either going to have to buy some sort of an adaptor, or buy a new TV, just for the "pleasure" of (what is for me) the infrequent habit of actually watching TV. Yes, I fully realize that means that, at some point, I'll turn on the TV and all I'll get is snow because there are no longer any broadcast standards that my living room TV is compatible with. And you know what I'll do when that day comes? I'll go ahead and cancel my minimum-basic-TV (approx. $13/month) service, leaving only cable modem service. I'm absolutely serious about this.
Perhaps if more people were like me, we could affect some kind of change in the broadcast industry and in Hollywierd, but any kind of "coming together for common good over common consensus" is incredibly arduous at best, and impossible at worst.
Besides, when it comes to myself and a significant other, I can absolutely find a whole lot of other things to do than simply sit down and watch the boob tube.
Jul 2, 05:32 PM
I'm up for meeting either the night before to camp out til morning or meet up early morning around 4/5am.
Any suggestions.
Any suggestions.
Feb 7, 06:55 PM
Some Code Geass for now :)
Original (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8033483/Internet/Desktop/%5Banimepaper.net%5Dwallpaper-art-anime-code-geass-the-britannian-witch-103945-shinn-1920x1200.jpg)
Original (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8033483/Internet/Desktop/%5Banimepaper.net%5Dwallpaper-art-anime-code-geass-the-britannian-witch-103945-shinn-1920x1200.jpg)
Mar 31, 06:45 PM
Remove the peanut butter and jelly from your shirt first.
May 1, 12:51 AM
I look forward to announcing "OD" when it goes live. :)
I look forward to announcing "OD" when it goes live. :)
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